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Ben Howard

Ben Howard (2)


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One of the UK’s most enthralling songwriters and guitarists, Ben Howard released his triple-platinum debut album, Every Kingdom back in 2011. As adept with an acoustic as he is with the electronics that have peppered and punctuated his recordings since that impressive debut, Howard now operates largely in a world and sound of his own making.

Ben Howard released his fifth studio album Is It? in June 2023, marking a new chapter full of highly textured, experimental pop songs that identify another shift of sonics for this acclaimed and most unpredictable of British artists. The ten-song record is a lush and sonically splintered album which captures Ben working through some intense moments of seismic shift having experienced two mini strokes (Transient Ischemic Attacks (ISAs)) in early 2022. Following a series of inconclusive hospital tests, Ben headed back to France and put all his focus and much of his soul into creating one of his most upbeat and uplifting records in years – and we get to experience it live, along with songs from Ben’s entire celebrated catalogue.

Ben Howard - Moonraker

Ben Howard - Moonraker

Ben Howard - Keep Your Head Up

Ben Howard - Only Love
